It's ccc-cold here in Nashville, but our next cups of coffee will be quite cozy (and eco-friendly!) with our new handmade coffee sleeves. We had a great time making these easy-to-sew cozies out of scraps of fabric, buttons, and embroidery.
Jill added a cute yo-yo and button to the front of hers. She's going to add snaps for closures.
Directions: Just use a cardboard sleeve from a coffee shop as a template. Cut 2 pieces of fabric 1/4" bigger on all sides than the sleeve.
At this point, embellish the top piece as you wish with embroidery, buttons, etc.
Next, either iron down and then pin or just pin with 1/4" seams wrong sides of the pieces together. The curved sides are a little tricky, but just mess with it until you get it pinned together. Then sew with a running stitch (contrasting thread is cute!) around the edges.
At this point you can either sew snaps for closures or just sew the sleeve closed. Then, go buy a cup of coffee to show off your new creation!
And here is a cute picture of Katie H.'s coffee cozy. I love the yellow buttons:
The next craft night will be February 2nd. I'm not sure exactly what we'll be doing yet, but possibly cross stitch or needlepoint. Stay tuned!